Chain Selectors

CCIP uses its own set of chain selectors represented by uint64 to identify blockchains. This repository contains a mapping between the custom chain identifiers (chainSelectorId) and the chain identifiers used by the blockchains themselves (chainId).

Please refer to the official documentation to learn more about supported networks and their selectors.


go get


import (
    chainselectors ""

func main() {
    // Getting selector based on ChainId
    selector, err := chainselectors.SelectorFromChainId(420)

    // Getting ChainId based on ChainSelector
    chainId, err := chainselectors.ChainIdFromSelector(2664363617261496610)

    // Accessing mapping directly
    lookupChainId := uint64(1337)
    if chainSelector, exists := chainselectors.EvmChainIdToChainSelector()[lookupChainId]; exists {
        fmt.Println("Found chain selector for chain", lookupChainId, ":", chainSelector)


Any new chains and selectors should be always added to selectors.yml and client libraries should load details from this file. This ensures that all client libraries are in sync and use the same mapping.

If you need a support for a new language, please open a PR with the following changes:

  • Library codebase is in a separate directory
  • Library uses selectors.yml as a source of truth
  • Proper Github workflow is present to make sure code compiles and tests pass