
Helm charts for QA

Primary LanguageSmarty

Chainlink Charts

This repository contains helm charts used by the chainlink organization mostly in QA.

Chart Repository

You can add the published chart repository by pointing helm to the gh-pages branch with a personal access token (PAT) that has at least read-only access to the repository.

helm repo add chainlink-qa https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smartcontractkit/qa-charts/gh-pages/
helm search repo chainlink

Releasing Charts

The following cases will trigger a chart release once a PR is merged into the main branch. Modified packages or new packages get added and pushed to the gh-pages branch.

  • An existing chart is version bumped
  • A new chart is added

Removed charts do not trigger a re-publish, the packages have to be removed and the index file regenerated in the gh-pages branch.