
A CryptoKitties powered Brainfuck interpreter on Ethereum



MindBreed is a CryptoKitties powered Brainfuck interpreter.


Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language with eight instructions (>, <, +, -, ., ,, [, ]). Using these eight instructions, you can run programs that produce output.

MindBreed is a special type of Brainfuck interpreter that doesn't understand text input - only the fur patterns on CryptoKitties. Instead of simply typing out instructions, you must sacrifice an innocent kitty to the EVM for each added instruction.

Here are the equivalent instructions:

Fur Pattern Instruction
savannah +
selkirk ,
birman -
koladiviya .
bobtail <
pixiebob >
cymric [
chartreux ]

You can only add instructions onto the end of your program. You can pop instructions off the end, but you don't get your kitty back. Every MindBreed contract comes with a bounty - if you execute the right program, you get that bounty. Happy sacrificing.


This project makes use of the Brainfuck interpreter written by Greg Hysen for the Solidity Gas Golfing Contest.