
This is a project that exchange finance as connecting various payment methods. React & tailwind for Front-end and Laravel for Back-end

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Available Scripts

Upload build file to apps/danapay-webapp-v3

Make sure you have your ssh key uploaded to the digital ocean droplet.

scp -r ./build/ danapay@

import 'react-app-polyfill/stable'; npm install react-app-polyfill core-js


Toolchain => create-react-app State management => redux toolkit Ui framework => tailwind, bootstrap and material ui Axios for => api requests

What is the difference in "is_active" and "is_verified" in user? And what does mean "not verified"? There are 2 types of user: company and individual. (Yes) So if user is individual, "not verified" means having false value of "is_verified" field? And "is_active" field? If user is in company, what is the condition meaning " not verified"?

company user Activated by danapay => becomes is_active Verified when the documents are uploaded and verified => becomes is_verified not verified is when the danapay admin hasnt verified the document.

individual user Activated by danapay Admin => becomes is_active Verified after sumsub response status by the admin => becomes is_verified not verified is if KYC failed