
[SDL 0242] Subtle Alert Style

theresalech opened this issue · 3 comments

Proposal: Subtle Alert Style

This feature adds the SubtleAlert RPC, which presents a style of alert: the "subtle" alert. This is a "notification style" alert that does not take over the entire screen.

Review: smartdevicelink/sdl_evolution#777

Steering Committee Decision:

The Steering Committee voted to accept this proposal with the following revision: update to use alternate approach 1, for the reasons identified in this comment from the Project Maintainer.

The proposal .md file was updated to reflect these revisions on 7/22/19.

Proposal markdown file has been updated per the revisions included in accepted Evolution Proposal SDL 0242 Revisions - Subtle Alert Style. Revisions include updating several RPC definitions, and adding a policy field to control rate limiting for SubtleAlert requests as is currently available for Alert requests. Please reference the issue and proposal markdown file for revisions details.

Proposal markdown file has been updated per the revisions included in accepted Evolution Proposal SDL 0242 Revisions - Subtle Alert Style. Revisions include adding a SubtleAlertresponse, including all basic response parameters as well as tryAgainTime. Please reference the issue and proposal markdown file for revisions details.

Closed via #204