
This is a automated translator for pot files by using google translate.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

POT Translator

It is a command line interface translator and compiler for .pot files, you can translate your translation files by using google translate api automatically.


git clone https://github.com/smarteist/Pot-Translator.git

And run

composer install

Basic Usage

first run terminal in project directory. You can use this tool by passing 3 parameters for translate.php in src folder like so:

php pomo translate <source lang ISO-639-1 code> <destination lang ISO-639-1 code> <.pot file address>

For example this command

php pomo translate en es /tmp/test.pot

It will translate test.pot file from english to spanish

To compile translation files to mo, run this command :

php pomo compile <.po file address>

The output file will be saved next to the original file in that directory.


option description
--help Helps you :D
--version Shows current version of this tool
-silent Translated parts are not shown to you on the console
-delay:3 It sets a time interval in given seconds between each request to prevent you from being blocked by Google.


Special thanks to developers of:




Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
