A framework for embedded applications in modern C++.
NilaiTFO offers a framework based around the concepts of modules and application and is event-driven.
Mainly intended to be used in conjunction with STMicro's STM32CubeMX, but the complete support of most microcontroller is planned.
Under continuous development!
- STM32F405
- STM32L452
- GD32F405
- STM32F4/GD32F4
- STM32F7/GD32F7
- STM32L4
- Every STM32 microcontroller
- Configure your microcontroller using STMicro's STM32CubeMX
- Configure Nilai for your application following the template found under
- Comment/Un-comment the defines to enable/disable the various options
- Add the configuration header to the compiler's include files (using
with GCC) - Create an application
- Add modules to the application
- Run the application
To create an application, simply make a class that inherits from Nilai::Application
The basic Application
handles the dispatch of events and the execution of every module.
Two methods must however be overridden by your application:
: Called once at the start of the program, this is where modules should be added to the application.Application::OnPost
: Called after the initialisation, this is where each module should verify that it is ready to operate.- If
returns false, the microcontroller enters an infinite loop.
- If
Additionally, Application::Run
can be overridden to specify custom runtime behaviors. The overridden method should
however still call Application::OnRun
since it calls the run method of every module, as well as handling
the removal of modules, if needed.
#include "Nilai.h"
class MyApplication : public Nilai::Application
~MyApplication() override = default;
void OnInit() override
m_pin = {LED_GPIO_Port, LED_Pin};
Nilai::Ref<UartModule> uart = AddModule<UartModule>(&huart1, "uart");
m_logger = Nilai::CreateRef<Nilai::Logger>(uart3);
m_logger->Log("Hello, world!");
bool OnPost() override
m_logger->Log("\n\r----- Started POST...\n\r");
bool allModulesPassedPost = true;
for (auto& module : m_modules)
if (!module.Mod->DoPost())
allModulesPassedPost = false;
if (allModulesPassedPost)
m_logger->Log("----- POST OK!\n\r");
m_logger->Log("----- POST ERROR! %0.3f seconds.\n\r");
return allModulesPassedPost;
void Run() override
while (true)
Nilai::Pin m_pin;
Nilai::Ref<Nilai::Logger> m_logger = nullptr;
#include "Nilai.h"
class MyModule : public Nilai::Module
MyModule(int number) : m_number(number)
~MyModule() override = default;
* @brief Called when the module is being attached to the application.
void OnAttach() override
* @brief Called when the module is being detached from the application.
void OnDetach() override
* @brief Called whenever an event happens.
* @param type The type of event
* @param event The event data object.
* @returns True if the event was handled and shouldn't be propagated further.
* @returns False if the event was not handled and/or should be propagated to the other modules.
bool OnEvent(Events::Event* event) override
if(event->Type == Nilai::Events::EventTypes::Exti0)
auto* extEvent = reinterpret_cast<Nilai::Events::ExtEvent*>(event);
LOG_INFO("Event triggered by software!");
LOG_INFO("Event triggered by External Interrupt 0!");
return true;
return false;
* @brief Called during the application startup.
* Use this function to verify the functionalities of the module and to check for problems.
* Returning false from this function causes the POST to fail, the application blocking.
* @return True if the POST passed, false otherwise.
bool DoPost() override
if(m_number == 0)
LOG_ERROR("Number cannot be 0!");
return false;
return true;
* @brief Called once every frame.
void Run() override
LOG_INFO("Number is %i", m_number);
int m_number = 0;
Now that you have your application ready to run, you can make your main.cpp
You can simply copy-paste the contents of the main.c
file generated by STM32CubeMX.
#include "Nilai.h"
#include "MyApplication.h"
int main()
/* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */
// Make sure that SYSCLK isn't set to PLL before configuring it.
/* Configure the system clock */
/* Initialize program */
MyApplication app;
if (app.DoPost())
/* We should never get here as control is now taken by the scheduler */
/* Infinite loop */
Nilai::Pin led = {LED_GPIO_Port, LED_Pin};
while (true)