A multi-agent simulator for urban mobility policies.
The framework is sufficiently generic to handle any graph-based multi-agent simulation.
For concrete examples and tutorials, check the SmartGovSimulatorDocExamples repository.
For the complete Java API, check the online javadoc.
To the repositories
section, add :
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
And, in the dependencies
, add :
implementation 'com.github.smartgov-liris:SmartGovSimulator:master-SNAPSHOT'
All the SmartGov classes should now be available in your project.
From the repository where you want to install the source code, run :
git clone https://github.com/smartgov-liris/SmartGovSimulator
cd SmartGovSimulator
To build the project using the Gradle CLI, run :
./gradlew build
(UNIX)gradlew.bat build
This will compile the Java classes, and run all the unit tests.
Although the tests are already executed when building with Gradle, you might wish to run them independently. Running all the tests is achieved with
./gradlew test
and running a subset (defined by the regexp argument) of the test can be done with e.g.
./gradlew test --console=verbose --tests "org.liris.*"
Eventually running a single test can be done with e.g.
./gradlew test --tests DeliveryDriverBehaviorTest
One some tests are executed you will find an html based report within
the build/reports/tests/test/index.html
In order to display the names of all the tests place the following
lines within the build.gradle
configuration file
test {
testLogging {
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
Building the Javadoc is achieved through a gradle task
gradlew javadoc
that places the generated documentation within the docs/
sub-directory and
that can be browsed with your favorite web-browser by opening the
Gradle available tasks can be listed with
./gradlew tasks --all
Notice the availability of the
task launchable as./gradlew clean
flag will have gradle display the task that are already up to date e.g../gradlew test --console=verbose --tests
To import the project in the IntelliJ IDEA :
-> New
-> Project from Existing Sources
(or Module from Existing Sources
) -> select the SmartGovSimulator
folder -> Import project from external model
-> select Gradle
-> Finish
To import the project in the Eclipse Java IDE :
-> Import...
-> Gradle
-> Existing Gradle Project
-> select the SmartGovSimulator
folder -> Finish
SmartGov is developped at the LIRIS within the Multi-Agent System team.
For any extra information about the project, you may contact :
- Veronique Deslandres : veronique.deslandres@liris.cnrs.fr
- Paul Breugnot : paul.breugnot@univ-fcomte.fr