Streaming Machine Translation on Apache Flink pipelines leveraging Apache OpenNLP

The NMT model has been trained offline using a parallel WMT corpus for German and English, uses Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) to account for unseen vocabulary. The model has been dockered into Sagemaker as a Flask app - try something new.

It takes > 6 mins to create a Sagemaker endpoint, all Sagemaker model training is batch only, and also that Python is the primary language of Sagemaker - its best to use Sagemaker for model inference when invoked from streaming pipelines like Kafka Streams and Flink. For streaming model training - consider looking at --> Oryx2, PredictionIO or Flink's State Streaming.

Building the Project

  1. Fill with Twitter Developer OAuth Creds
  2. Deploy the bv model into Sagemaker as a Docker container - get that here --> See the Readme file there for instructions on Sagemaker deployment
  3. Specify the AWS Sagemaker endpoint and region in make sure you have your AWS creds locally
  4. Run mvn package to generate a project jar
  5. Start a Flink cluster - see
  6. From the Flink Dashboard UI - upload the jar generated in Step 2 and submit the same Main class =