
Open source Java based Text Summarizing Algorithm

Primary LanguageJava


Open source Java based Text Summarizing Algorithm

This text summarizer is used in my Android app called "SumIt! Text Summarizer". I am continuously trying to improve the results I get from this algorithm/implementation. This is my own implementation. It is meant to support not just large pieces of text pasted/passed in, but also text from online URLs (that means removing and formatting text correctly).

Back when I first made this it really only supported just text. But now I am opening it up for those interested in taking a look. And for those who want to modify or improve it.

Here's how you can try it

Simply call the Summarize(String text, int maxSummarySize) method. Pass in your text, and pass in how many sentences you want your summary to be.

Here's how it works

  1. Start by recording raw frequencies of words within the text. Ideally, a Map works best for this.
  2. Next, any stopwords within the Map are filtered and removed; so as to reduce redundancy and keep only certain key phrases and words.
  3. After, sort the Map, from greatest word frequency to least.
  4. Then, get sentences from your original text, formatting and making sure any abbreviations and suffixes with a period or decimal are not counted as the ending of a sentence.
  5. Next, for text that is from online, we need to format and adjust it so that certain un-needed text is removed.
  6. Finally, obtain the summary by going through your list of sentences (from step 4) and then using your Map, compare and find the key phrases and words from each sentence. If found, add that sentence to the summary list.
  7. Once all done, return the summary as a String.

Link to the Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.karimo.sumit_final

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