
SmartHomeNG, smartVISU and other Tools packaged as an image for the Raspberry Pi

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SmartHomeNG, smartVISU and other Tools
packaged as an image for the Raspberry Pi

Images for the Raspberry Pi

This Repository contains Images starting with SmartHomeNG v1.6 and up to the actual Release of SmartHomeNG.

You find the images here: https://github.com/smarthomeNG/raspberrypi-image/releases


The documentations contains information about the additional packages (beside SmartHomeNG and smartVISU) that are contained in the image.

The documentation can be found here: https://github.com/smarthomeNG/raspberrypi-image/wiki

Versioning of the image

The format now is the following: <debian major>.<shng major>.<shng minor>.<shng revision>

  • first digit(s): Debian major-version
  • following numbers: SmartHomeNG/plugins version