

This is a product for clinicians working with young people with learning difficulties. The goal is to aid their communication with the young people, especially with those who are non-verbal. They currently conduct pre and post session questionnaires using pen and paper and relying on the ability to associate faces with emotions, which is not the best medium for all of the patients


Currently the forms tend to be filled out by the patient's parents and thus don't accurately represent the views of the young person


An app that collects patient feedback on their week and their therapy session, which utilises more appropriate representations of grading emotions.

User Journey

As a clinician I want to better understand the experiences of my service users and the feedback from our sessions so that I can get a better understanding of their needs and use that to inform our sessions and their treatment.

User stories

As a clinician, I want to be able to collect the consent of my patient, or their representative, to that I can abide by legal obligations around patient consent

As a clinician I want to be able to add a new patient, so that a new patient can use the app

As a clinician I want to be able to select a patient that I have previously added, so that a returning user can use the app

As a clinician I want to be able to present a modified version of the questionnaire based on the severity of the patient's learning difficulties, so that the app is effective for people with mild, moderate and severe difficulties

As a clinician I would like to incorporate text and makaton into my questionnaire, so that young people with mild learning difficulties can engage with the questions

As a clinician I would like to incorporate traffic light style colour representations into my questionnaire, so that young people with moderate-severe learning difficulties can engage with the questions

As a clinician I would like to be able to use the app for the pre session questionnaire, so that I can understand my patient's experience of their week

As a clinician, I would like to access the results of the pre-questionnaire immediately, so that I can use the information in my session

As a clinician I would like to be able to use the app for the post session questionnaire, so that my patient's experience of their appointment can inform our next session

As a clinician, I would like to access the results of the post-questionnaire, so that I can use the information to inform my next session with the patient

As a clinician I would like to be able to have a unique code for each patient so I don't have not use their name, so that I can abide by regulation around patient data protection

As a clinician, I would like to be able to input the child's name, so that it can be used in the questionnaire to personalise it

As a clinician, I would like to be able to confirm that I've selected the right survey, so I don't hand the service user the wrong survey

As a clinician, I would like to be able to change the type of survey that I've selected, so that I'm able to select a different one in case I've made a mistake.

As a clinician, I would like to be able to confirm that I've inputted the right name, so that their name is displayed correctly within the app

As a clinician, I would like to be able to change the name that I inputted for the young person, so that I am able to correct my mistake in case I've made one

As a clinician, I would like to make how to use the app as clear as possible, so that that service users can use the app as independently as possible

As a clinician, I would like to give service users the ability to replay makaton answer options, so that they are able to play again the ones they missed or didn't fully understand

As a clinician, I would like to prompt the service user to return the device to whomever handed it to them, so that they know what to do once they've finished the survey

As a clinician, I would like to have to login again before I see any patient results so that only the appropriate people can see this information

As a clinician, I would like to have to login before I can initiate a new survey, so that I can keep track of my patients

Stretch goals

  • get the parent's and teachers feedback on the content of the form for the patient too.

  • implement rewards for patients who regularly fill out the forms

  • multiple language support: eg. Portuguese, Somali, Tamil.

  • patient progress indicator (perhaps in the form of a graph)

  • ability for clinician to input their own questions


main focus should be the actual questions and feedback screen (log in flow/session storage can be an afterthought).


  • Number of options really important (4 for mild?)
  • sort out videos of people doing makaton makaton woodfield video