
finished site: Our Site


We were tasked with creating a small portfolio website for our team.

We were given the following user stories to satisfy:

  1. As a client looking to hire a team of developers:

I want to visit your site and immediately see a headline about your team

So that I get a concise description of what you have to offer me.

  1. As a client looking to hire a team of developers:

I want to visit your site and see a navigation link for 'About, Team, and Contact' so I can quickly navigate to the areas of the site I'd like to visit.

  1. As a client looking to hire a team of developers:

I want to be able to contact the developers by filling out and submitting a form by providing my name, email and message information

So that the team have sufficient information to contact me afterwards

  1. As a client looking to hire a team of developers:

I want to click on a navigation link and a corresponding section be made visible in the browser window on the same page

So that I can quickly navigate around the site without having to wait for new pages to be loaded.

  1. As a client looking to hire a team of developers:

I want to easily view the site when browsing on my mobile, tablet or desktop

so that I can understand the sites content easily on whatever device I choose to view it in. 6. As a visually impaired client:

I would like to easily read and understand the text on your site

so I can understand the information available

  1. As a blind client:

I would like to easily understand how to navigate the site after my screen reader reads me the content of the site

so I can understand the information available.

  1. As a client with JavaScript disabled in their browser for security reasons:

I would like to visit your site and get a similar experience to viewing your site on a modern browser with JavaScript enabled

so that I don't feel like I'm completely in the stone age.


Our website is a single-page website that includes the following sections:

  • About
  • Portfolio
  • Team
  • Contact


We first worked together as a team to sketch a basic outline of our site. After we knew what content we wanted to include, we split into pairs and tackled each of the sections we needed to include, constantly communicating with one another.