
User Stories

We are developing a web app for a movie enthusiast with the following requirements:

  • I want to be able to search for a genre of film and receive a list of recommendations of that genre
  • I want to see gifs of each film recommended
  • I want to be able to see a trailer for each of the films recommended


  • Comprehensive Testing
  • Mobile First Design
  • Embed movie trailer into site

Stretch Goals

  • Use Module Design Pattern
  • Option to listen to soundtrack of films
  • Add dropdown menu to browse other things than genre
  • Add 'inspire me' button which returns a random recommendation

The Process

  1. We sketched out the design of the site and decided exactly what we wanted it to do.
  2. Together we worked on the architecture of the code: whatsapp image 2017-03-08 at 14 25 25

Interesting things we have learnt

Encode URI

  • The JavaScript encodeURI() encodeURIComponent() functions encode special characters


encode URI component

