
AMMPazon analytics for store owners

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ammpazon Analytics

User Stories

Our intended user is a store owner who wishes to see his/her Amppazon analytics. Specifically his/her

  • Bestsellers
  • List of customers by spend
  • Sales for the current year
  • Sales to date

We started with our architecture professionally depicted below: Our Initial Architecture

How to run our App

  • Clone the repository
  • Run npm install
  • create a config.env and a config-test.env
  • Add the DB_URL variable (gitter channel FAC10)
  • run npm run dev to run the project
  • run npm test to run tests

Learning points

  • To run a build or sql script locally you can run \i {name of your build script}

Running tests on a fake database

  • We wanted to ensure that we knew what our database queries would return without damaging our production database.
  • We created a fake database by first duplicating the build process with a different URL/connection to elephant sql.

In config.env


In config-test.env

  • We then set up an process.env variable we called ENV which we set equal to TEST
  • We then check in our build connection file whether this variable exist and set the call to env2 using this.
const environment = require('env2');

if (process.env.ENV === 'TEST') {
} else {
  • We then run npm test with the following commands in our package.json
"pretest": "ENV=TEST node test-database/db_build_test.js",
"test": "node test-database/tests.js | tap-spec"