
💥Sherman Go Starter Kit

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Sherman Starter Kit

Go Report Card Maintainability

Sherman is a Golang starter kit to develop API microservices. It is designed to help kickstart a project, avoiding the boilerplate overhead. It follows SOLID principles and attempts to follow Robert "Uncle Bob" Clean Architecture.


  • Fully "Dockerized" application.
  • Endpoints for user authentication.
  • JWT authentication and refresh token based session.
  • Request marshaling and data validation.
  • Mysql/SQLite3 Database with Migrations support.
  • Application configuration thru .env file.
  • Dependency injection container to handle inversion of control with ease.
  • Tests
    • Interface mocks generator.
    • Mocked database query tests.
    • Coverage reports.
  • Linter setup/configuration featuring golangci-lint.
  • Development
    • Watcher rebuilds application on file changes
    • Pretty logs

Getting Started

Set up application for the first time

  1. Install Docker if you haven't already https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
  2. Create an .env configuration on the root folder of the project the .env.example file provided contains all necessary configurations.
  3. Run bin/init. This command will install all required dependencies, run migrations, spin up docker containers and run the application.
  4. The application will run on the configured port, by default APP_PORT=5000

Stop the application

  • Run bin/down

Run the application

  • Run bin/up


  • bin/test will automatically run all test files in the project and generate coverage files under ./coverage
  • bin/test [test_path] will run tests in the provided path (no coverage will be generated)
  • When creating new tests files include the provided testing package src/app/testing like so import _ "[module]/src/app/testing". This will change the test working dir to the specified ROOT_DIR.

/bin scripts reference

  • bin/init : Initialize/Reset containers && database
  • bin/up : Builds and/or spins up docker containers https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/up/
  • bin/down : Stops docker containers https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/down/
  • bin/go : Run go commands in the app container (**docker container must be running)
  • bin/test : Runs test suites (**docker container must be running)
  • bin/mockery : Generates mocks for every interface in the project under ./src/mocks
  • bin/lint : Finds lint errors in the application
  • bin/exec : Execs the following commands (**docker containers must be running)
    • setup : Installs all project dependencies
    • gofmt : Formats .go files in /src folder
    • watch : Runs the server on watch mode
    • new-migration [migration-name] : Creates a migration
    • migrate [command] : Migrate the DB see cmd list
      • up : Migrate the DB to the most recent version available
      • up-by-one : Migrate the DB up by 1
      • up-to [version] : Migrate the DB to a specific VERSION
      • down : Roll back the version by 1
      • down-to [version] : Roll back to a specific VERSION
      • redo : Re-run the latest migration
      • reset : Roll back all migrations
      • status : Dump the migration status for the current DB
      • version : Print the current version of the database

Project Structure

--bin [scripts see list of scripts]
    --cmd [scripts that run inside the containers using bin/exec]
--mocks [mock interface implementations]
        --config [app configuration setup]
        --database [database related (connection, migrations, etc)]
        --registry [dependency injection container]
        --router [app router, routes/middleware setup]
        --testing [app testing package]
          -- response [app specific http response struct]
          -- terr [app specific typed errors]
    --delivery [interface adapters layer]
    --domain [entities/aggregates layer]
    --repository [data layer]
    --service [globally available sevices (middleware, validators, etc)]
    --usecase [use case layer]
main.go [entry point]

Main application dependencies


Sherman is licensed under the MIT license. Check the LICENSE file for details.


Sergio Martin