Flutter interview – test task

Element tree

The Flutter framework is rendering all application views directly to the GL layer, so it's hard to extract the application's elements tree directly.

Smartlook SDK heavily relies on the view tree "knowledge" so your "job" in this interview task is to obtain the view tree on Flutter.

The solution

  • Clone the project at https://github.com/smartlook/smartlook_flutter_interview_test_task
  • In the file movie_streaming_app/lib/main.dart there is a method _startServer() with a simple embedded HTTP server running on port 9000 and a mocked request handler returning a sample JSON
  • Your task is to write a function that gets the elements tree of the currently rendered screen from Flutter and return it as JSON instead of the mocked one.


Each item of the list should correspond to one element currently visible on the screen and should contain these properties:

  • top – the top coordinate of the element on the screen
  • left – the left coordinate of the element on the screen
  • width – the width of the element
  • height – the height of the element
  • color – color of the element, this should be for example, background color of plain view or text color of a text element


The testing app is movie_streaming_app from the awesome-flutter-ui project released under a MIT license.