Advent of Code

This is the place to keep all answers for Advent of code.

Written in Typescript using Deno as a runtime for ease of use.

The rest will be a mini journal of the days. I do not expect to have time to finish all puzzles this year, but we will see how far we get before family and responsibilities catchup.


Day 4 📃 🔍 ⛏️

This was a really easy puzzle. It was a rare puzzle that the second one was very easy once the first was done. Since it was so easy, I decided to make some changes to day2 typing to see if it was more clear. I am not sure it is, but, it is better typed now.

Day 3 🔐

This puzzle was not very hard but I am very unhappy with the complexity of the solutions. There are a lot of iterations over small arrays. While this should be okay, it is something that I would rather simplify.

Day 2 🪨🗞️✂️

This puzzle part 1 was fairly easy. But part 2 confused me a bit. It made me have to carefully evaluate the wins and loss strats and the point values. Also, deno complaining about indexing into the object type is something that I want to look closer at. The typing on this is fairly messy, but its late and I just want to be finished with it. :)

Puzzle A

    [*] --> decodeA
    decodeA --> getPlay
    getPlay --> score: Use winning play 
    score --> decodeA: While playing
    score --> [*]

Puzzle B

    [*] --> decodeB
    decodeB --> getStrategy
    getStrategy --> pickPlay
    pickPlay --> score
    score --> decodeB
    score --> [*]

Day 1

Day 1 puzzles are always very easy warm ups. This was no exception. I was a little rusty on little things like sorting numbered arrays, but it was fairly straight forward.


Setup of Deno was surprisingly easy and without many issues. There was an odd module not found error that cleared itself and debugging took a minute to setup. However, to run these simple code snippets, Deno is great.


  • Create a visual for Day3. Reddit has some great examples.
  • Create a dashboard readme that has a task run before committing to update.
  • Use a python for one puzzle