
Python GAE boilerplate with login/auth system included

Primary LanguagePython


GAE python boilerplate with integrated registration & login system to jumpstart your projects.


Copy secrets_template.py file in the utils folder and rename it to secrets.py.


The project allows the use of SendGrid as your emailing provider, so make sure you install Python requirements to the libs folder by running the following in the terminal: - pip install -t libs -r requirements.txt or pip install -t libs -r requirements.txt --upgrade

Cloud SDK and running the project

Make sure you have Cloud SDK installed. You can run the project by typing sh run.sh in the terminal.


SendGrid is preferred over GCloud native emails (they are rate-limited). If you receive over quota error when testing how registration works (verify email), then just go to the datastore and manually change email_verified field in User to True.

Localhost issues

Logging in might not work sometimes on localhost due to the datastore lag. The app still works on a server.


  • gcloud init (always use a new configuration and create a new project - unless you created one on Cloud Console before)
  • gcloud app create --region=europe-west (this creates a new GAE app within the Google Cloud project)
  • gcloud app deploy app.yaml cron.yaml index.yaml queue.yaml --version main (this uploads all the necessary yaml files and names the version "main". If there are some yaml files missing, remove them from this command.)
  • gcloud app browse (this opens up the app URL in your browser)


If you want the Bootstrap version, use the bootstrap branch.