
A boilerplate to create a chrome extension using VueJs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SmartNinja Chrome Extension Template

Adapted from https://github.com/BrunoCasotto/vue-chrome-extension-boilerplate


Install and run:

npm install
npm run dev
npm run build


npm run build

Configure the manifest

To configure extension manifest edit the file extension.config.js. See more here.


manifest: {
  name: 'Extension Name',
  description: 'Extension description here',
  version: '1.0',
  manifest_version: 3,
  background: {
    service_worker: 'background.js'
  content_scripts: [],
  permissions: [],
  action: {
    default_popup: 'index.html'

To configure your source files edit the entry parameter in extension.config.js


entry: {
  main: './src/main.js',
  background: './src/background.js',
  content: './src/content.js'

Test demo

  1. Clone the repository and run:
npm run dev
  1. Access extension chrome page:
  1. Load the extension with "load unpacked" button

  2. Select dist folder