
Docker container for gwbackupy. This docker container runs scheduled backups of one or more Gmail accounts, including full and fast backups.

Primary LanguageShellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Docker image for gwbackupy

This docker container runs scheduled backups of one or more Gmail accounts, including full and fast backups. The backup process is based on the open-source software gwbackupy.

Under development


OAuth challenge

If docker host with desktop UI:

container PORT -> docker -> host PORT -> browser -> redirect --\
container PORT <- docker <- host PORT <------------------------/

If docker host is in terminal only context:

container PORT -> docker -> host PORT -> public or local network IP -> wait for operator
                                                                          -> operator -> open link in browser -> redirect --\
container PORT <- docker <- host PORT <- public or local network IP <-------------------------------------------------------/

Port, bind host, redirect host are set with GWBACKUPY_OAUTH_PORT, GWBACKUPY_OAUTH_BIND_ADDRESS and GWBACKUPY_OAUTH_REDIRECT_HOST environment variables.

If the redirect host is a hostname, it must be a public hostname and must be added to the OAuth configuration.

Environment variables

Env name Default value Description
GWBACKUPY_WORKDIR /data Data directory, see more --workdir parameter
GWBACKUPY_ACCOUNT_EMAILS example@example.com example2@example.com Email accounts, space separated list
GWBACKUPY_CRON_FULL_SYNC 0 0 * * 0 Cron's pattern to full backup. If empty, it will be turned off. By default, it runs every Monday at 0 AM.
GWBACKUPY_CRON_QUICK_SYNC 0 */12 * * * Cron's pattern to quick backup. If empty, it will be turned off. By default, it runs every day at 0 and 12 hours.
GWBACKUPY_CRON_FLOCK_FILEPATH /var/lock/gwbackupy-cron.lock Filepath of cron's flock
GWBACKUPY_LOG_LEVEL warning see more --log-level parameter
GWBACKUPY_SERVICES gmail Services for backup, currently gmail only
TZ timezone settings from alpine docker

The full and quick backup do not run simultaneously. If a quick backup is already running, a new instance of the quick backup will not be started. The full backup will wait for the currently running process to finish and then start.


It is possible to specify the name/location and version of the gwbackupy download during the build by passing arguments.

Env name Default value Description
GWBACKUPY_PIP_VERSION The version of gwbackupy for installation (default is latest version by pip). The version specification should be understood according to pip install.
GWBACKUPY_PIP_PACKAGE gwbackupy The package name of gwbackupy for installation. Either the pip package name or direct zip access can be specified, see pip.

For build a specific version of gwbackupy use this argument:

docker build --build-arg GWBACKUPY_PIP_VERSION="~=0.10" -t gwbackupy-v0-10 ./

For build image with dev master (main) use this argument:

  • GWBACKUPY_PIP_PACKAGE="https://github.com/smartondev/gwbackupy/archive/main.zip"
docker build --build-arg GWBACKUPY_PIP_PACKAGE="https://github.com/smartondev/gwbackupy/archive/main.zip" -t gwbackupy-devmaster ./

Please note that the given docker image may not be compatible with all versions of gwbackupy.


  • entrypoint.sh: check authentication status, and if is ok, then starts crond (default script) and schedule full and quick backups
  • quick-sync.sh: script for start quick backup
  • sync.sh: script for start full backup
  • access-init.sh: script for start initialize authentication (use first time and if auth changes)
    docker ... -it exec /bin/bash access-init.sh
  • access-check.sh: script for authentication states checking
    • access-check.sh <email(s)>: run checks for email addresses
    • access-check.sh <email(s)> <service(s)>: run checks for specified services and email addresses

Run gwbackupy with custom parameters (e.g. restore):

docker ... -it exec python -m gwbackupy ...




Welcome! I am happy that you want to make the project better.

Currently, there is no developed documentation for the process, in the meantime, please use issues and pull requests.


The changes are contained in CHANGELOG.md.


Márton Somogyi