
A structured logging framework for .NET that supports log aggregation, e.g. Splunk

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A structured logging framework for .NET that supports log aggregation, e.g. Splunk.

Handled over 120,000,000,000 production requests (and counting!)


Build status

Package Latest Release
Spiffy.Monitoring NuGet version
Spiffy.Monitoring.NLog NuGet version


PM> Install-Package Spiffy.Monitoring

Built-In Logging

Spiffy.Monitoring includes "built-in" logging mechanisms (Trace and Console). There is no default logging behavior, you must initialize logging. Early in your application's entry point, call:


Custom Logging

For extended functionality, you'll need to install a "provider package".

NOTE: the provider package need only be installed for your application's entry point assembly, it need not be installed in library packages.

NLog Provider

PM> Install-Package Spiffy.Monitoring.NLog


    static void Main() {
        // this should be the first line of your application
         Spiffy.Monitoring.NLog.Initialize(config => {
            config.Targets(t => t.ColoredConsole());

        // key-value-pairs set here appear in every event message
            .Set("Application", "MyApplication");

        using (var context = new EventContext()) {
            context["Key"] = "Value";

            using (context.Time("LongRunning")) {

            try {
            catch (Exception ex) {


The example above creates a file named current.log in a Logs subfolder of the application's running directory. It contains entries like the following:

Normal Entry

[2014-06-13 00:05:17.634Z] Application=MyApplication Level=Info Component=Program Operation=Main TimeElapsed=1004.2 Key=Value TimeElapsed_LongRunning=1000.2

Exception Entry

[2014-06-13 00:12:52.038Z] Application=MyApplication Level=Error Component=Program Operation=Main TimeElapsed=1027.0 Key=Value ErrorReason="An exception has ocurred" Exception_Type=ApplicationException Exception_Message="you were unlucky!" Exception_StackTrace=" at TestConsoleApp.Program.DoSomethingDangerous() in c:\src\git\github\chris-peterson\Spiffy\src\Tests\TestConsoleApp\Program.cs:line 47 at TestConsoleApp.Program.Main() in c:\src\git\github\chris-peterson\Spiffy\src\Tests\TestConsoleApp\Program.cs:line 29" InnermostException_Type=NullReferenceException InnermostException_Message="Object reference not set to an instance of an object." InnermostException_StackTrace={null} Exception="See Exception_* and InnermostException_* for more details" TimeElapsed_LongRunning=1000.0