
Website Checker, notification service

Primary LanguageKotlin

Wecky - User Notification

Notifies the user about a changed website using AWS SES.


  • Gets triggered by S3 bucket wecky-screens for new objects.
  • Queries DynamoDB for Websites and Users for the given object.
  • Notifies users using SES for mail delivery.

Region eu-central-1 is hardcoded for now.


Building is straightforward, using Maven:

mvn package

The shade plugin is already attached to the package phase, so the resulting JAR can be uploaded to AWS. Alternatively you can use the buildspec.yml file to build the project in AWS CodeStar.


Localstack is used during tests, to spin up local docker containers with mocked AWS Services. If you want to skip the end-2-end tests you can run the tests using

mvn package -DargLine="-Dci-server=true"

Running locally

Using sam-cli and localstack you can run the lambda function locally.

You need to set the environment variable DYNDB_LOCAL to point to the local DynamoDB that gets started by localstack.

ℹ️ Environment variables need to be set in the template.yml file, since the Lambda Function is run in a docker container. See template_sam.yml for an example.

Then run sam local invoke "TriggerNotification" -e event.json