Learn how to structure your iOS app with understandable and predictable state changes using Point-Free’s The Composable Architecture (TCA) framework

Primary LanguageSwift

Composable Architecture Learning Repository

Welcome to the Composable Architecture learning repository! This repository serves as a learning resource for understanding and exploring the concepts and implementation of the Composable Architecture in iOS development.

About Composable Architecture

The Composable Architecture is a framework for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with a focus on testability, modularity, and scalability. It embraces functional programming principles and immutability, providing a clear separation of concerns and a predictable flow of data.


  • State Management: The Composable Architecture provides a structured approach to manage application state, enabling a single source of truth and facilitating state mutations.

  • Effect Handling: It offers a powerful mechanism for handling side effects, such as network requests or asynchronous operations, in a declarative and composable way.

  • Modularity: The architecture encourages the separation of concerns and the creation of reusable components, making it easier to develop and maintain large-scale applications.

  • Testability: With its emphasis on pure functions and predictable state management, the Composable Architecture enables comprehensive unit testing and promotes a test-driven development (TDD) approach.

Getting Started

To get started with learning the Composable Architecture:

  1. Clone or fork this repository to your local machine.

  2. Explore the provided examples and sample projects in the repository.

  3. Dive into the source code to understand the core components of the Composable Architecture, such as state, actions, reducers, and effects.

  4. Experiment with creating your own simple applications using the Composable Architecture and observe how it facilitates a structured and modular approach to application development.

  5. Refer to the official documentation and resources for more in-depth information and advanced topics.


Contributions to this learning repository are welcome! If you have any additional examples, explanations, or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Please follow the repository's guidelines and code of conduct.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the Composable Architecture learning repository for your own learning purposes.