Symfony2 Azure Pooc
This Symfony2 project is a really simple WIP POOC for hosting Symfony2 on:
- Microsoft Azure Websites
- Azure SQL
And maybe in the future:
- Azure Blob storage
- Azure Mobile notification/push
This project is a really simple notebook powered by Markdown.
Feel free to PR what ever you want :)
- Behat features
- Finish FosUserBundle integration
- Try to integrate AzureDistributionBundle
- Create azure deployment script
- Test Test Test Test
- Add a lot of features...
Clone this repository:
git clone
With composer :
composer install
Then run:
Markdown Bundle
The Markdown Bundle is provided by KnpLabs.
In your config.yml you can customize the markdown parser (Theses options are from Markdown Bundle)
- markdown.parser.max // fully compliant = slower (default implementation)
- markdown.parser.medium // expensive and uncommon features dropped
- markdown.parser.light // expensive features dropped
- markdown.parser.min // most features dropped = faster
- markdown.parser.sundown // faster and fully compliant (recommended)
markdown.parser.sundown requires the php sundown extension.
Run behat test
- Change the javascript bootstrap-markdown by another more UF
- Use fancy URL instead of id
- Use Groups from FosUserBundle for sharing notes between team members
- Integrate Etherpad as a collaborative editor