Pinned issues
- 0
296 songs missing root key
#121 opened by eclab - 8
Release v1.1.0
#105 opened by andreamust - 1
- 3
X half diminished chords parsed as X flat 7 chords in iReal Pro part of ChoCo
#118 opened by rubencart - 0
- 7
Bug in the conversion of key_mode annotations
#116 opened by rubencart - 0
Position in Track from Weimar annotation is ignored
#119 opened by seffka - 1
Dockerise the app
#61 opened by andreamust - 4
- 2
Unknown namespace: timesig
#114 opened by rubencart - 2
Duplicate compositions in dataset
#113 opened by rubencart - 0
- 1
- 3
Billboard expanded annotations
#64 opened by andreamust - 0
- 3
Experimental queries with ChoCo's new model
#108 opened by jonnybluesman - 1
Include tempo annotations in JAMS
#101 opened by jonnybluesman - 3
- 1
Genreal artist in KG generation
#106 opened by andreamust - 0
Binary relations in KG time annotations
#107 opened by andreamust - 1
Missing Composer in MusicalComposition triples
#103 opened by andreamust - 5
Annotation errors in iReal-Pro
#48 opened by andreamust - 0
JAMS Sanity checks and logging
#93 opened by jonnybluesman - 0
#97 opened by jonnybluesman - 0
- 2
Encoding relationships between annotations
#98 opened by jonnybluesman - 2
- 1
Include a void file for ChoCo
#67 opened by jonnybluesman - 1
- 1
Special symbol parsed incorrectly on rock-corpus
#90 opened by n28div - 1
rock-corpus metric parsed as chord root
#91 opened by n28div - 0
Add Docker GitHub action
#95 opened by andreamust - 1
real-book uses 's' as modifier instead of '#'
#88 opened by n28div - 1
typos on robbie-williams partition
#89 opened by n28div - 1
- 2
Licensing of ChoCo
#57 opened by jonnybluesman - 1
KG creation duplicated Blank Nodes
#62 opened by andreamust - 1
- 1
URIs rules definition
#63 opened by andreamust - 1
Descriptive statistics of the dataset
#59 opened by jonnybluesman - 7
- 1
- 8
Incompatibility with Windows OS
#66 opened by andreamust - 0
Designing JAMS Score
#53 opened by jonnybluesman - 3
Wrong minor key annotation in Wikifonia
#71 opened by andreamust - 1
Ontology URIs definition
#56 opened by andreamust - 2
JAMS Testing framework
#60 opened by jonnybluesman - 1
Reorganise KG-creation files
#54 opened by andreamust - 1
- 1