
Music Generation with AI App

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Music Gen AI App

Project Structure

└── Music-GenAI-App/
    ├── music_generation/
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   ├── _utils_.py
    │   └── music_gen.py
    ├── webapp/
    │   └── app.py
    ├── scripts/
    │   ├── extract_from_youtube.py
    │   ├── demo1.py
    │   ├── demo2.py
    │   └── demo3.py
    ├── data/
    │   ├── inputs
    │   └── outputs
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── docker-compose.yaml
    ├── mkdocs.yaml
    ├── pyproject.toml
    └── README.md


For technical documentation of code under music_generation please refer to github.io. All other code make use of music_generation and has internal documentation explaining how it uses it.

Getting Started

Install Basic Requirements

You'll need Python 3.10 and above, ffmpeg, and GIT. On Windows, the best way is via the Python website, ffpmeg website and GIT website. On other operating systems command line options might be the easiest:


brew install python git ffmpeg

(assuming you have brew installed)


sudo apt install python3 python-is-python3 git ffmpeg

It is recommended that you open the folder where this repository will be cloned with an IDE like VSCode or PyCharm.

Create Environment

First you need to clone this repository, and then create the environment. You can use pyenv, conda or whichever one you want but for this example we are using venv which is included in python.

cd /path/where/you/want/to/clone/repo
git clone https://github.com/smasis001/Music-GenAI-App.git
python -m venv .venv

Then for managing the packages, this repository comes with pyproject.toml for poetry, but you can use requirements.txt and pip. For poetry, this is how it goes:

pip install poetry
python -m poetry env use .venv/bin/python
python -m poetry install
source .venv/bin/activate

For installing the packages with pip, you must activate the virtual enviroment first.

source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download Raw Data (optional)

The repo already comes with a couple of royalty free input clips under data/inputs. But you can add more with the youtube script like this:

python scripts/extract_from_youtube.py https://youtu.be/t139Vd83pgs
python scripts/extract_from_youtube.py https://youtu.be/bklB0Q13iNI

Run Web App (locally) and through SSH tunnel

To see the music generation system work via browser, run:

python webapp/app.py

It should open a gradio.live address (via tunnel) in your default browser. But if it doesn't, try

When done using it, press ctrl-C to stop the webapp in your command line.

Run Scripts (locally)

To demo text-conditional music generation with Python, run:

python scripts/demo1.py --prompt "your prompt" --model "small" --duration 10 --name "name for the audio file saved"

It will generate music using your prompt with the chosen model and duration (in seconds). It will then save a file with the chosen name in the data/outputs directory. model can be "small", "medium" and "large".

And for the melody-conditional music generation demo:

python scripts/demo2.py --prompt "your prompt" --input-file "input.wav" --duration 10 --name "name for the audio file saved"

The arguments are the same as with "demo1" except you can't chose a model and you must chose an input-file.

Lastly, if you want text-conditional music continuation:

python scripts/demo3.py --prompt "your prompt" --input-file "input.wav" --model "small"  --duration 10 --name "name for the audio file saved"

For this one, you also use an input-file but you can chose a model ("small", "medium" or "large). Duration must be longer than the input audio file.