1KB dead simple library to conditionally animate React components using performant Web Animations API.
Live Demo - Real world examples: Menu - Modal - Intersection Observer
Instead of:
showModal && <Modal />
<Fade when={showModal}>
<Modal />
For anything more complex use a library like Framer Motion and don't waste your time here.
Each transition is a component that you can import:
import {
} from 'tranzit'
No configuration needed besides passing a falsy/truthy value to when
<Fade when={showModal}>
<Modal />
The component must have a single child and it must be a React component/element (no fragments).
By default each animation when leaving will fade out. Set reverse
to true to reverse it:
<Slide when={showMenu} reverse>
<Menu />
Customize duration and delay:
<Slide when={showModal} durIn={300} durOut={200} delayIn={100} delayOut={0}>
<Modal />
Customize x/y origin (works with any component, also custom ones):
<Fade when={showModal} startY={0} startX={-300}>
<MobileMenu />
By default, entrance animations are not played on first render. Set initial
to true to play them:
<Zoom when={showModal} initial>
<Modal />
Toggle display: none
instead of unmounting:
<Zoom when={showModal} hide>
<Modal />
Toggle visibility: hidden
instead of unmounting:
<Zoom when={errors.phoneNumber} keep>
<div className="error">{errors.phoneNumber}</div>
Nest transitions:
<Fade when={showModal}>
<Slide when={showModal} delayIn={200}>
<Zoom when={showModal} delayIn={400}>
<Modal />
import { Tranzit, type TranzitProps } from 'tranzit'
export function Bounce(props: TranzitProps) {
return (
opacity: [0, 1],
transformOrigin: ['50% 50%', '50% 50%'],
transform: ['scale(2,2)', 'scale(1,1)']
easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.22, 1, 0.36, 1)',
fill: 'both'
Documentation: keyframes
- keyframeOptions
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
when |
Primitive |
true |
Value to toggle animations |
reverse |
boolean |
false |
Reverse animation when leaving |
initial |
boolean |
false |
Play animation on first render |
hide |
boolean |
false |
Use display: none instead of unmounting |
keep |
boolean |
false |
Use visibility: hidden instead of unmouting |
durIn |
number |
300 |
Duration when entering |
durOut |
number |
300 |
Duration when leaving |
delayIn |
number |
0 |
Delay when entering |
delayOut |
number |
0 |
Delay when leaving |
startY |
number |
0 |
Y origin when entering |
startX |
number |
0 |
X origin when entering |
When using a component as child, Tranzit will render it inside a <div>
<Fade when={showModal}>
<MyComponent /> {/* <-- Will be rendered inside a <div> tag */}
<Fade when={showModal}>
<h1>This is a great title.<h1/> {/* <-- Will be rendered as is */}
While most of the times this is fine, you might need control over the element (for semantic reasons or because you're dealing within a complex layout).
Wrap the component in a HTML element of your choice:
<Fade when={showModal}>
<MyComponent />
Tranzit will render your element (a <div>
in this case) as is. You can add classes, styles, refs and use any tag you want.
<Fade when={showModal}>
<div ref={myRef} className="myClass" style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }}>
<MyComponent />
MIT © smastrom