

  • Able — a plugin to automatically compare the contrast between two layers you select.



  • Add numbers to texts — a pluging to add numbering to a bunch of text layers at once.
  • Archiver — a plugin to quickly archive not used frames in Figma, to ensure that design assets are not lost.
  • Aspects — helps resize selected elements to fit a certain aspect ratio. This plugin is mostly designed for images, but works with any type of layer.
  • Autoflow — makes it easy to draw flows. Simply select 2 objects, hit a hotkey, and a line will be magically drawn between them.
  • Blend — allows you to copy any object along specified vector path.
  • Blobs — create organic blob shapes with the click of a button.
  • Border — a pluging to quickly add single borders in Frame.
  • Bullets — add custom bullets to your layers and create reusable list styles via the power of components.


  • Brands Colors — search for your favorite brand's colors or app's colors and apply it on your design in Figma.


  • Content Reel — helps you easily pull text strings, avatars and icons into your designs.
  • Brandfetch — a plugin to get logo from the website. Simply enter a site, and instantly get the corresponding logo back into Figma.


Plugins for export

Plugins for tools

  • Bravo — build your app designs in Figma with Bravo elements, import it into Bravo, and your design is transformed into a real native app.



Visual effects