
Carto port of Toner

Primary LanguageMakefileISC LicenseISC


"Toner" is the name of Stamen's black and white map tiles. It was originally designed for the Dotspotting project by Geraldine Sarmiento, although many others have been involved since.

The original Toner was developed as part of Stamen's Citytracking initiative, funded by the Knight Foundation. The old repository can be found here, for historical interest.

Toner screenshot


  • Install TileMill 1 from HEAD (this has the latest Mapnik): github.com/mapbox/tilemill
  • Install Imposm 3: github.com/omniscale/imposm3
  • Clone this repo
  • Run make install, this will symlink the project into your TM1 project directory
  • run make land to get OSM-derived land polygons
  • run sh download_natural_earth_data.sh to get Natural Earth data
  • Download an OSM pbf extract and do an import. You should use the make task ca as an example.
  • Run make toner to generate the project.mml file. (Alternatively, make toner-background, toner-buildings, toner-hybrid, toner-lines, toner-labels, or toner-lite to work on the variant styles)
  • Start TileMill with npm start from the tilemill repo