My First Boilerplate

This is a boilerplate project for a Node.js application. It uses MongoDB as a database and includes configuration for JWT authentication.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies with npm install

Starting MongoDB

Start MongoDB with the following command:

mongod --dbpath "~/data/db"

Running the Server

Instead of npm start, you can use nodemon for automatic reloading. Run the server with:

npx nodemon

Environment Variables

The project uses the following environment variables:

  • DATABASE: The MongoDB connection string. Default is 'mongodb://'.
  • PORT: The port the server will listen on. Default is 4000.
  • JWT_SECRET: The secret key used for JWT authentication. Replace "secret_here" with your own secret key.
  • LOG_LEVEL: The level of logging. Default is debug.
  • NODE_ENV: The environment the application is running in. Default is development.

Remember to replace the default values with your own, especially JWT_SECRET.