
trl fork github.com/mapperr/trl

Primary LanguagePython


this is a fork of trl. I added a setup.py and fixed a card-editing bug.


A dumb trello cli with shortcuts.


Authenticate yourself by putting these variables in you environment:

export TRELLO_API_KEY=<api_key>
export TRELLO_TOKEN=<your_token>

Go get them on trello!

Aaaand, that's it, you are good to go.


As for now you can do basic stuff.

Here is the usage (check trl -h too):

trl b [<board_shortcut>]
    shows the boards you can access
    with board_shortcut you can select the board you want to work with

trl l [<list_shortcut>]
    shows lists and cards in the board you have currently selected
    with list_shortcut you can show cards of a single list

trl ll
    shows only the board's lists

trl c <card_shortcut> [o | m <list_shortcut> | e]
    shows the card infos
    with o it opens the card shortUrl with your default browser
    with m and a target list you can move the card to that list
    with e you can edit the card title and description in your editor

trl c n <list_shortcut>
    create a new card in the list specified by list_shortcut

trl g <api_path>
    make a direct api call adding auth params automatically (for debugging/hacking purpose)


Shortcuts are derived from boards and cards short urls and from lists ids (lists does not have short urls) and are as short as possible.

So to move a card to a list you get something like this:

trl c j0 m e

j0 is the card shortcut and e is the list shortcut

Oh, everything is kept lowercase, holding shift is a pain in the ass.


I know, It's nothing fancy, I just started it to check some trello stuff directly in the terminal, and eventually edit them.