Targetprocess 3 Mashup Sandbox

Here you can upload your own mashups. After verifing they will become available to all Targetprocess users.

Please find the detailed information about mashups creation on our development portal.

Then, when your mashup is ready, please check that a mashup you’ve uploaded has all the required files and a good description, so that people could understand what it does and where they can see it in Targetprocess after installation. A mashup description consists of 2 files in github:

"Mashup name".baseinfo.json file (for example BoardClassOfServices.baseinfo.json). It should contain:

  1. Short mashup description, which will be reflected on a mashup card in the Mashup Library
  2. The version of Targetprocess this mashup can work with (for example, it is available from 2.24.4)

README.mkd file, which should contain the full mashup description. The following details should be here:

  1. A mashup name
  2. What this mashup was created for
  3. How it works
  4. Whether it requires any code customization and what exactly should be changed in the code
  5. Some screen-shots if possible. All the screen-shots should be uploaded as separate files to github and full URL link should be provided in a mashup description

Please check an example of public mashup here.