
NixOS & home-manager config.

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

nix-home: my nix configuration

Install NixOS

Run the following command and type the root password when prompted:

# Run disko.
nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" \
    run "github:nix-community/disko" -- \
    --mode disko \
    --flake "github:smb374/nix-home#[profile-name]"
# Perform installation
nixos-install --flake "github:smb374/nix-home#[profile-name]" --no-write-lock-file

Custom Profile

There are 3 different default profiles:

  • github:smb374/nix-home#nix-general: General OS with /dev/sda.
  • github:smb374/nix-home#nix-qemu: QEMU Virtual Machine with VirtIO disk (/dev/vda).
  • github:smb374/nix-home#smb374-nix: My laptop.

If no profile is suitable, clone this repo and add the desirable profile by yourself.

Then run the disko & nixos-install commands with path:.#profile-name, otherwise you will have to commit the changes to use .#profile-name in the repo directory.

Configure home

Run the following command to set up home-directory:

nix run home-manager/master --accept-flake-config -- switch \
    --flake "github:smb374/nix-home#poyehchen" --no-write-lock-file