
Unit One: Javascript Foundations

This is your introduction to programming through the Javascript programming language. Here you will learn foundational concepts and structures that will get you thinking in code.

  1. Javascript Intro
  2. Javascript Conditionals
  3. Javascript Arrays
  4. Javascript Loops
  5. Javascript Functions
  6. Javascript Functions, Loops, and Arrays
  7. Javascript Objects
  8. Javascript ES6 Syntax

Additional Topics:

Unit Two: Intermediate Javascript

This section is building on Javascript foundations and introducing more advanced programming concepts. Here you will have your first group project and be introduced to testing.

  1. Javascript Testing with Jest
  2. Javascript Higher-Order Functions
  3. Javascript Classes and Inheritance
  4. Javascript Pig Latin Challenge

Additional Topics:

Unit Three: React

React is a powerful Javascript library used to build more complicated web applications.

  1. React Intro
  2. React Components
  3. Create React App
  4. React State
  5. React Props
  6. React State and Props
  7. React Functional Props
  8. Challenge: React Dice Roller
  9. Challenge: React Treasure Hunt
  10. Challenge: React TicTacToe Mob
  11. Challenge: React Battleship

Additional Topics:

Unit Four: Ruby

Ruby is a backend, object-oriented programming language. Here you will learn the fundamentals of Ruby and expand on testing.

  1. Ruby Intro
  2. Ruby Conditions
  3. Ruby Classes and Objects
  4. Ruby Inheritance
  5. Objects and Beyond, Car Challenge
  6. Ruby Testing with RSPEC
  7. Ruby BDD and TDD
  8. Challenge: BDD Car Challenge
  9. Challenge: Ruby Task List
  10. Challenge: Text Based Story Game

Unit Five: Ruby on Rails and Postgres

Rails is full stack framework built into the Ruby programming language. Here you will be introduced to Rails concepts and persistence storage with Postgres.

  1. Rails: RESTful Web Application Framework
  2. Rails Intro to Routes, Controllers and View
  3. Rails Views
  4. Rails Params
  5. Rails Forms, Layouts and Flash Messages
  6. Rails Generate
  7. Rails Mini Projects
  8. CRUD with Postgresql
  9. Intro to Postgres
  10. Joins
  11. SQL CRUD (SQL in the terminal)

Additional Topics:

Rails Cookies

Unit Six: Active Record and Full Stack Ruby on Rails

  1. Rails Model: Intro to Active Record
  2. Challenge: Active Record Tasks
  3. Foreign Key and Relations
  4. Active Record Relationships
  5. Challenge: Active Record Task List
  6. Active Record Validations
  7. Strong Params
  8. React Review
  9. APIs
  10. Intro to Fetch
  11. Rails Resource Generator: Read Operations
  12. Rails Resource Generator Continued: Create and Delete Operations
  13. Challenge: Wildlife Tracker

Additional Topics:

Unit Seven: Professional Development Week

Professional development is dedicated to preparing for your internship and the upcoming career transition. Here you will work closely with Learn's career services manager to curate your resume, create a portfolio, improve online professional presence, develop networking techniques, practice technical interview skills, and learn about salary negotiations.

Unit Eight: Cat Tinder! Combining React and Rails

Using React and Rails to create an asynchronous full stack application with testing.

Front End Setup

  1. Testing with Jest and Enzyme
  2. Testing Structure in React
  3. React Testing Interactions
  4. React Routing
  5. Portfolio Challenge
  6. Recipes Challenge
  7. Dynamic Routes
  8. Cat Tinder frontend: Intro and Wireframes
  9. Cat Tinder frontend: Cats Component
  10. Cat Tinder frontend: NewCat Component
  11. Cat Tinder frontend: NewCat Functionality Overview

Back End Setup

  1. Cat Tinder backend: API setup
  2. Cat Tinder backend: Seeds
  3. Cat Tinder backend: API Endpoints
  4. Cat Tinder backend: Validations
  5. Cat Tinder backend: CORS

Bringing it together!

  1. Cat Tinder frontend: API Calls and Active Record
  2. Cat Tinder frontend: NewCat

Unit Nine: Authentication

  1. React In Rails
  2. Devise
  3. Skateboard App(Pair Exercise)
  4. Apartment App(Multi Day Exercise)

Unit Ten: Capstone Project, Week 1

  1. ActiveStorage
  2. JBuilder
  3. has_many_through

Unit Eleven: Capstone Project, Week 2

  1. Heroku

Unit Twelve: Internship Preparation