
Advanced OS Group Project

Primary LanguagePython



  • Use Python3.8 (I have only tested this on Python 3.8.12)
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • In separate tmux windows (so that all processes may be monitored simultaneously) run
python Node.py 9000 9001 9002
python Node.py 9001 9000 9002
python Node.py 9002 9001 9000

And in the fourth window, to run the RPCs:

python Main.py 9000 9001 9002

You may use other port numbers


P1: DepositCash(4, 'A', 20), ApplyInterest(57, 'C', .10), CheckBalance(200, 'A')
P2: WithdrawCash(4, 'C', 30), DepositCash(63, 'B', 40), CheckBalance(200, 'B')
P3: ApplyInterest(2, 'B', .10), WithdrawCash(68, 'A', 10), CheckBalance(200, 'C')

Interest Formula: ApplyInterest(P, r) = P(1 + r)

Should have P1.port < P2.port < P3.port (use 6000, 6001, 6002 for example)

Order of events

ApplyInterest(2, 'B', .10)
DepositCash(4, 'A', 20)
WithdrawCash(4, 'C', 30)
ApplyInterest(57, 'C', .10)
DepositCash(63, 'B', 40)
WithdrawCash(68, 'A', 10)
CheckBalance(200, 'A')
CheckBalance(200, 'B')
CheckBalance(200, 'C')

Expected results (all accounts start at 100)

A = 110
B = 150
C = 77

Sample output