
Utilize Planetside2's API and React to visualize stats from the game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PlanetSide Stats

By Sean McLaughlan - Visit PlanetSide Stats

Table of Contents

PlanetSide Stats at a Glance

This project utilizes the Planetside2 API to make information and statistics from the game easily accessible.


Displays players with highest rankings in categories.


Find characters and outfits (groups of players).

Character or outfit stats

After finding a character or outfit, clicking the name will open the stats page.

The stats for a character include primary class, faction, score, accuracy, etc.

The stats for an outfit include member count, faction, and basic information about the characters within the outfit.

Clicking the headers on the table will sort by that column.

Classes Information

There is a page for general information about character classes as well.


The front-end utilizes JavaScript, React, and Grommet.


React gives PlanetSide Stats quick navigation.


Auth0 is used for logging in users with their accounts on popular services such as Google. This also means user data doesn't need to be saved to the database.


Grommet is a React component library that the project makes heavy use of in displaying stats. The DataTable and Meter components were especially helpful in this case.

return (stats ?
      <h3>Score per class</h3>
            property: 'name',
            header: <h3>Class</h3>,
            primary: true,
            property: 'value',
            header: <h3>Score</h3>,
            render: datum => (
              <Box pad={{ vertical: 'xsmall' }}>
                  values={[{ value: datum.value }]}
            property: 'valueWithCommas',
            header: '',
    <Loading />)


The back-end is a light Node Express server, and primarily needed to provide security for the the API key and handling comments.


The database for this project only holds comments as the vast majority of the information comes from the API mentioned below.

PlanetSide 2's API

The PlanetSide 2 API offers the raw data seen on the site. It is unfortunately the bottleneck to the site's speed, causing some pages to take longer to reload.

router.get('/outfit/:id', cors(), async function (req, res, next) { //get specific outfit info
  const outfitId = req.params.id;
  const result = await fetch(`http://census.daybreakgames.com/${process.env.API}/get/ps2:v2/outfit?c:resolve=member_online_status,member_character(times.minutes_played,character_id,member_since_date,battle_rank,prestige_level,name.first,certs.earned_points,certs.gifted_points,profile_id)&c:join=type:profile%5Eon:members.profile_id%5Eto:profile_id%5Elist:1%5Eshow:name.en%27image_path%5Einject_at:main_class&c:join=type:characters_stat_history%5Eon:members.character_id%5Eto:character_id%5Elist:1%5Eshow:stat_name%27all_time%5Einject_at:stats_history%5Eterms:stat_name=deaths%27stat_name=kills&c:join=characters_stat%5Eon:members.character_id%5Eto:character_id%5Elist:1%5Eshow:stat_name%27value_forever%27profile_id%5Elist:1%5Einject_at:stats%5Eterms:stat_name=score%27stat_name=hit_count%27stat_name=fire_count(profile%5Eon:profile_id%5Eto:profile_type_id%5Eshow:name.en%5Einject_at:class)&outfit_id=${outfitId}&c:resolve=member_online_status(online_status),member_character(battle_rank)&c:hide=character_id,member_since`);
  if (result.ok) {
    const resJson = await result.json();

The requests for the API can get quite complicated and I reached out to some other people who were also working with it. Together, we were able to get all the necessary data we needed for our respective projects.


My focus with this project was learning more about React. I used it as an opportunity to get a better understanding of functional components with hooks, utilizing a third party API, and the Grommet component library.