
Login impedance for Plone

Primary LanguagePython


collective.tarpit is currently an experiment.

At present, it attempts to detect failed logins and write a useful warning to syslog/auth. It should play well with fail2ban.

http basic auth is ignored. Protect it another way.

emergency-user logins via the plone login form will be incorrectly diagnosed as failed, and thus logged. This is probably a good thing.

Use with a reverse proxy

If you use a reverse-proxy for rewriting and/or caching, the IP address making the Zope/Plone request will be that of the proxy -- typically This is not useful information. collective.tarpit instead checks first for the X-Real-IP header, which should be set by your reverse proxy to the requesting IP. If X-Real-IP is not available, X-Forwarded-For is checked, and the first address listed is considered the request source.

Finally, if neither X-Real-IP nor X-Forwarded-For is present, the immediately requesting IP will be reported.

This means that you need to configure your outermost reverse-proxy to set X-Real-IP. In Nginx, this is done with the directive:

proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

Most or all reverse proxies, including Apache, will have a similar facility, or do this automatically.

If you rely on X-Forwarded-For, make sure that it's being set in a fashion that doesn't allow forgery: don't trust headers set in the original http request.

Use with fail2ban

collective.tarpit may be used in conjunction with fail2ban to temporarily block IP addresses (usually via iptables). fail2ban is commonly included with recent Linux distributions. See the fail2ban site for general documentation.

Steps to use collective.tarpit with fail2ban:

  1. Install fail2ban and collective.tarpit

  2. Check to make sure that failed Plone logins are indeed logged to /var/log/auth.log

  3. To the filters.d directory of the fail2ban configuration, add a plone.conf filter definition for collective.tarpit:

    before = common.conf
    _daemon = plone
    failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)sAuthentication failure for .* site .* from <HOST>$
    ignoreregex =
    A sample is included inside the filter.d directory of this package.
  4. Create, if necessary, a jail.local file in the directory containing jail.conf. Add to it:

    enabled = true
    port = http,https
    filter = plone
    logpath = /var/log/auth.log
    maxretry = 6

Adjusting maxretry to meet your needs.