
Automated generation and evaluation of machine learning pipelines

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This software has been further developed by Diviya Thilakeswaran, the repository can be found here.


[Features, background, about, etc.]



The following will need to be installed before installing Chameleon:

  • Python 3.6+

Installing Chameleon

Clone the repository to your desired directory and simply run

$ pip install .

or, if you plan on doing development

$ pip install -e .[dev]


The basic steps in using Chameleon are:

  1. Import and format a dataset with chameleon-data format,
  2. Create k-fold cross-validation partitions with chameleon-data kfold,
  3. Configure the full pipeline with chameleon-pipe pipe. Alternatively, individually configure the pipeline using chameleon-pipe features to add feature selection algorithms and chameleon-pipe classifiers to add classifiers.
  4. Run the pipeline with chameleon run.

Every feature selection method has been configured to return all features in a list ordered by importance in descending order.

Data Prerequisites

Since Chameleon is currently in the prototype stage, there are very strict requirements for data input:

  1. Features and targets must be in one of the following formats:
    • .mat - A single file in the same format as the biological datasets seen here.
    • .arff - A single file with the targets as the last attribute.
  2. All features must be continuous.
  3. Targets must be binary.
  4. No missing values.

Usage Example

1. Import the data

Say we have a .mat file located at /path/to/data.mat. First, we need to extract the data from this file so it is in the correct format for chameleon.

$ chameleon-data format --ftype mat --fpath /path/to/data.mat --name foo

This command will produce two files. One for the features X_foo.pkl and another for the targets y_foo.npy. They will be located in the proc_data folder of the current working directory. The folder will be created if it doesn't already exist.

2. Create cross-validation partitions

Chameleon currently uses k-fold cross-validation, so we are now going to randomly partition the data into k folds to make k train/test sets.

$ chameleon-data kfold --xfile proc_data/X_foo.pkl --yfile proc_data/y_foo.npy --name myproblem

The default k is 5, but can be set using --k. The k-fold method is stratified by default but can be suppressed using the --not-stratified flag. Similarly, the data will be normalised by default unless the --no-normalise flag is included. This command will create a new folder in the current directory called kfold_myproblem that will contain k files in the format fold1of*k*.pkl. These files contain the unique sets of training and test data for the fold.

3. Configure feature selection choices

The chameleon utility provides a command line option for quickly setting up a config file for your new problem that specifies the feature selection algorithms and the classifiers that you want to run for the data files. The config file can be manually edited without issue. To start, create the config file with the default feature selection algorithms using the following command:

$ chameleon-pipe features -d kfold_myproblem 

Where -d specifies the directory containing your problem. This will create a pipeline configuration file that stores the data file names, feature selection algorithms, and classifiers. The config file is saved in the kfold_myproblem/configs directory as a json file named pipe.json. The file name can be specified using the --name (-n) option.

By default, all six of the feature selection algorithms will be added, but this can be overidden using the --featureselector (-f) option to specify single algorithms. For example, if you just want to use SVM-RFE and iterative_MI, you would instead run:

$ chameleon-pipe features -d kfold_myproblem -f SVM-RFE -f iterative_MI

Currently, chameleon supports adding to the config file by running the above command multiple times when specifying an existing problem directory and config name. The only way to remove added parameters is to manually edit the config file.

4. Add/configure classifiers

Add classifiers to the pipeline in the config file using the following command:

$ chameleon-pipe classifiers -p kfold_myproblem/configs/pipe.json 

Where -p specifies the relative path to the config file. By default, every available classifier will be added to the pipeline, but this can be overriden by using the --classifier (-c) option to specify single classifiers.

5. Run the test suite

Run the test suite with the config parameters with:

$ chameleon run -d kfold_myproblem -p kfold_myproblem/configs/pipe.json

The folowing has not been implemented and may be subject to change

By default, this will be inefficient and run each file + algorithm specified in the config one-by-one. This is usualy okay for most use cases, but could be result in extreme runtimes for some cases (e.g. SVM-RFE). The --method (-m) option can improve on this, with -m slurm submitting each algorithm + classifier + file combination as a job through the Slurm batch system.

Chameleon Commands

This section describes all chameleon commands, sub-commands and options.

Command Description
chameleon-data Import and prepare data for chameleon pipelines
chameleon-pipe Configure pipeline
chameleon Run configured pipeline


There are two subcommands: chameleon-data format and chameleon-data kfold.



Option Argument Description
--ftype STRING Type of data file to format. Choices are mat and arff.
--fpath DIRECTORY Path to the raw data file.
--name STRING Name of output files e.g. '--name foo' will make files foo_X.pkl and foo_y.npy.



Option Argument Description
--xfile .PKL The name of the X data. e.g. '--Xfile proc_data/foo_X.pkl'
--yfile .NPY The name of the y data. e.g. '--yfile proc_data/foo_y.npy'
--name STRING Name of the output folder e.g. myproblem will create kfold_myproblem.


Option Argument Default Description
--k INT 5 The number of folds to partition the data".
--random_seed INT 666 Random state for assigning data to folds.
--normalise/--no-normalise True Whether to normalise the data.
--stratified/--not-stratified True Whether to apply stratified kfold.


There are three subcommands: chameleon-pipe pipe, chameleon-pipe features, and chameleon-pipe classifiers.

All available feature selection methods and classifiers are added to the pipeline by default. This can be overriden by specifying individual choices using the --featureselector/-f and --classifier/-c flags. Each flag can be used multiple times.

Arguments for --featureselector/-f:

Argument Description
fischer Fischer score
reliefF reliefF
random-forest Random forest feature importance
SVM-RFE SVM recursive feature elimination
simple_MI Simple mutual information score
iterative_MI Iterative mutual information selection

Arguments for --classifier/-c:

Argument Description
naive-bayes Guassian Naive Bayes
kNN k-nearest neighbours
logistic-regression Logistic regession
neural-net Neural network (multilayer perceptron)
random-forest Random forest
SVM Support vector machine (linear)



Option Argument Description
--data/-d DIRECTORY The folder containing the prepared data e.g. kfold_myproblem.


Option Argument Default Description
--featureselector/-f STRING Name of feature selection algorithms to add to the pipeline.
--classifier/-c STRING Name of classifier algorithms to add to the pipeline.
--name/-n STRING pipe Name for the pipeline configuration file.



Option Argument Description
--data/-d DIRECTORY The folder containing the prepared data e.g. kfold_myproblem.


Option Argument Default Description
--featureselector/-f STRING Name of feature selection algorithms to add to the pipeline.
--name/-n STRING pipe Name for the pipeline configuration file.



Option Argument Description
--configpath/-p .JSON The path to the pipeline config file.


Option Argument Description
--classifier/-c STRING Name of classifier algorithms to add to the pipeline.


There is one subcommand: chameleon run.


Option Argument Description
--data/-d DIRECTORY The folder containing the prepared data e.g. kfold_myproblem.
--pipe/-p .JSON The relative path to the pipe config file.


Option Argument Default Description
--method/-m STRING normal The method for running the program. Options are normal and slurm.
--featureselection BOOL True Whether to run feature selection.
--predict BOOL True Whether to run classification.
--n_features/-n INT 50 Number of features to use in classifier predictions (the top 'n' features).