
Notes on Kyle Simpson's course Deep JavaScript Foundations on Frontend Masters


Notes on Kyle Simpson's course Deep JavaScript Foundations on Frontend Masters

Scope & Closures

Scope: Set of rules for storing variables in some location and for finding those variables at a later time. Where to look for things.

  • JavaScript is a compiled language. It's a common misconseption that it's an interpreted language.
  • A good question to ask when thinking about scope is, Who is doing the looking?
  • Scope is a compiled time process. It's at compile time that all scope decisions are made.
  • JavaScript makes two passes before actually executing.
  • On the first pass, compilation, the lexical scope is set up.
  • First pass when compiling look for all variable declarations and all the scopes they get added to.
  • The compiler and scope manager have a conversations.
  • The individual unit of scope is the function.
  • As the JavaScript compiler enters a function, it will begin looking for declaration(s) inside that scope and recursively process them.
    • Once all scopes have been compiled, the execution phase can begin.
  • As the execution phase continues within the function scope, the same Left-Hand Side (LHS) and Right-Hand Side (RHS) operations are applied.
    • Things get a little interesting with undeclared variables. They are automatically declared in the global scope.
    • LHS is the target of an assignment.
    • RHS is the source of an assignment.

Scope Manager && Compiler Dialogue

var foo = "bar";

function bar() {
  var foo = "baz";

function baz(foo) {
  foo = "bam";
  baz = "yay";