
Realtime Chat App with React and GraphQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GraphQL and React are a match made in heaven. Their ecosystem provides a lot of tools to simplify common web programming tasks including realtime integrations. In this article, you're going to learn how to use only React and GraphQL to make a realtime apps (precisely a chat app).


Basically, GraphQL is a query spec that is built around the Graph algorithm. It's developed by Facebook and it's so powerful that it seems to be replacing the REST we love. Rather than just sending JSON payloads through REST to a server, then the server in-turn queries a database, GraphQL gives you the power to serve these queries right from the client. This way you end up with just what the client needs and not what the REST endpoint exposed.


GraphQL is just a spec that you can follow to build your own implementation. But that's a hard journey. This is why tools like Apollo were built to serve as GraphQL clients. From a beginner perspective, you can see it as an SDK for interacting with a GraphQL server that follows a GraphQL spec.


Speaking of servers, the process of setting up one and the tooling involved can also get overwhelming. Sometimes you might even get it wrong, hence exposing your products to security vulnerabilities. Graphcool is a highly extensive hosted GraphQL server that you can work with. You can manipulate anything on the server using its serverless functions. The service has a free tier that is generous enough to get you into business without paying a dime.