
LDPC codes for Illumina sequencing-based DNA storage

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LDPC DNA storage

LDPC codes for Illumina sequencing-based DNA storage. The associated data is available at https://github.com/shubhamchandak94/LDPC_DNA_storage_data.

Update:: This work relied on regular LDPC codes, partly because of lack of implementations of other more powerful LDPC code families such as Protograph LDPC codes. We have now released a library for working with protograph LDPC codes available here.

Installation instructions (tested on Ubuntu 18.04.1)

# clone repository with submodules
git clone --recursive https://github.com/shubhamchandak94/LDPC_DNA_storage
cd LDPC_DNA_storage/
# install flexbar (our code tested with Flexbar 3.0.3, source code: https://github.com/seqan/flexbar)
sudo apt-get install flexbar
# build LDPC codes
cd LDPC-codes/
cd ..
# build Kalign MSA
cd kalign2-current/
cd ..
# install BCH codes Python library
cd python-bchlib/
python3 setup.py build
sudo python3 setup.py install

# install joblib for parallelization of kalign consensus
pip3 install --user joblib

Instructions for encoding and decoding data

The code is implemented in Python3.

import dna_storage


dna_storage.encode_data(infile, oligo_length, outfile, BCH_bits, LDPC_alpha, LDPC_prefix, \
bin_index_len, sync='', sync_pos=-1)


infile:         file to be encoded in DNA (we recommend that the file is compressed and encrypted 
                to randomize the data and avoid issues with DNA synthesis)
oligo_length:   length of oligo
outfile:        file to write oligos to
BCH_bits:       number of bit errors that the BCH code can correct (the number of parity bits used 
                is 6*BCH_bits)
LDPC_alpha:     the redundancy of the LDPC code. The code should map encode 256000 bits into 
                256000(1+alpha) bits.
LDPC_prefix:    the path and prefix of the LDPC matrices. The encoder requires the files 
                LDPC_prefix.gen and LDPC_prefix.systematic.
bin_index_len:  number of bits used for the index (before adding BCH). Should be large enough to
                accomodate the number of oligos.
sync:           (Optional) Synchronization marker string to be added to each oligo (we use 'AGT' in 
                our experiments).
sync_pos:       (Optional) Position to put the synchronization marker. We set it at the center of 
                the payload in the oligo (the part of the oligo after the index).

See util/encode_files.py for examples.


Note that the decoder expects a file with only the reads. To extract the reads from a FASTQ file, run (on the shell):

sed -n '2~4p' file.fastq > file.reads

First we remove the barcodes at the start and end of each reads by running

dna_storage.remove_barcodes_flexbar(infile_reads, start_barcode, end_barcode, outfile_reads)

This internally uses Flexbar to remove the barcodes and also corrects the orientation of any reverse complemented reads. We tested our code with Flexbar 3.0.3.

Then we run the decoder on the trimmed reads:

dna_storage.decode_data(infile, oligo_length, outfile, bin_index_len, BCH_bits, LDPC_alpha, \
LDPC_prefix, file_size, eps, sync='', sync_pos=-1, attempt_indel_cor=True)


infile:             file containing trimmed reads
oligo_length:       same as used in encode_data
outfile:            file to write decoded data to
bin_index_len:      same as used in encode_data
BCH_bits:           same as used in encode_data
LDPC_alpha:         same as used in encode_data
LDPC_prefix:        same as used in encode_data
file_size:          size of the decoded file in bytes (this is required to calculate 
                    the number of LDPC blocks and also for removing any padding)
eps:                eps value used for computing LDPC LLRs (we used 4%, 
                    i.e., 0.04 for most experiments)
sync:               (Optional) same as used in encode_data
sync_pos:           (Optional) same as used in encode_data
attempt_indel_cor:  use indel correction heuristic during BCH decoding

See util/decode_files.py for examples.

Running simulations

To run simulations for testing parameters, we provide a function which encodes the data and finds the minimum reading cost (in bases/bit) needed for successful decoding. The function separates simulations with independent substitution, deletion and insertion errors and also supports adding random reads (to simulate unaligned reads).

dna_storage.find_min_coverage(infile_data, oligo_length, BCH_bits, LDPC_alpha, LDPC_prefix, \
bin_index_len, file_size, sub_prob, eps_decode, num_experiments, ins_prob=0.0, del_prob=0.0, \
start_coverage=1.0, sync='', sync_pos=-1, attempt_indel_cor=True, frac_random_reads=0.0)


infile:             file to be encoded in DNA
oligo_length:       same as used in encode_data
BCH_bits:           see parameters for encode_data
LDPC_alpha:         see parameters for encode_data
LDPC_prefix:        see parameters for encode_data
bin_index_len:      see parameters for encode_data
file_size:          size of infile in bytes
sub_prob:           substitution error probability
eps_decode:         see parameter eps in decode_data
num_experiments:    number of successful trials before declaring success 
                    (e.g., if num_experiments=20, success is declared if 20/20 trials succeed)
ins_prob:           insertion error probability
del_prob:           deletion error probability
start_coverage:     reading cost (bases/bit) to start with (the function then increases it
                    by 0.1 until it succeeds)
sync:               see parameters for encode_data            
sync_pos:           see parameters for encode_data            
attempt_indel_cor:  see parameters for decode_data
frac_random_reads:  fraction of random reads to add while simulating 


minimum reading cost (in bases/bit)

See util/run_simulations.py for examples.