
Easy Fonts provides CSS classes that make it easier to use webfonts.

Easy Fonts

Easy Fonts provides CSS classes to be used in HTML as <div classs="font-open-sans"></div>. This makes it easier to use Google Fonts in your projects. Easy Fonts makes the webfonts 2 step easier as you no longer need to repeat the folowing steps every time you try a new font family:

  1. No need to generate new font stylesheet every time, and
  2. No need to edit CSS to apply the font.

With Easy Fonts, you can use a single lightweight CSS file to import all fonts in your project, and never worry about importing new fonts ever.

Why Easy Fonts

Easy Fonts was developed to leverage host consolidation technique used by PageCDN to speedup websites. Our initial goal was to allow websites that use PageCDN for their content delivery to also optionally deliver fonts over the same CDN host to reduce the 2 extra DNS lookups required by Google Fonts. Later on, Easy Fonts proved to be a very useful library for rapid prototyping. So, we moved it to GitHub for anyone interested in self hosting this library or using it in combination with fonts.google.com.

Using Easy Fonts

Easy Fonts provides a collection of CSS classes to help you build websites faster without worrying about modifying CSS every time you need to test a new font family. Use Easy Fonts reference to learn about all available font families and relevant CSS classes.

<link href="https://pagecdn.io/lib/easyfonts/fonts.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<!-- Or load specific font files
<link href="https://pagecdn.io/lib/easyfonts/open-sans.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="https://pagecdn.io/lib/easyfonts/roboto.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<div class="font-roboto">
    <div class="font-open-sans w600i">
        Stuff here appears in Open Sans, bold and italic
    <div class="w600">
        Stuff here appears in Roboto, bold
        Stuff here appears in Roboto and uses inherited weight and style


If you are using fonts.css, browsers will download just the font files that you actually use in your HTML and will not waste user's bandwidth by loading all fonts. The fonts.css file itself is just 25 KB when loaded from PageCDN. PageCDN uses Brotli:11 compression to very tightly compress the file to keep the size within acceptable limits.

Importing a Font

The dist directory contains CSS files for each individual font family that you can link to from your HTML. You can download the library to play with individual font families or link to CSS files directly from CDN. Below is the link to open sans font family. For other font families, here is a handy search tool.

<link href="https://pagecdn.io/lib/easyfonts/open-sans.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Importing all Fonts

To quickly test different fonts, Easy Fonts makes it easy to import all font families at once. For this, you need to use dist/fonts.css file or use the below CDN link.

<link href="https://pagecdn.io/lib/easyfonts/fonts.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Using with Google Fonts

It is possible to use Easy Fonts and Google Fonts together. Here is how to do it.

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Open+Sans:ital@0;1&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> 
<link href="https://pagecdn.io/lib/easyfonts/classes.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Importing Fonts Dynamically

Easy Fonts provides font information in JSON format for individual font families. This helps you build font selection interfaces for themes and website builders. The JSON is located in dist/info directory. You can load information for individual fonts or use an all-inclusive JSON file for the entire fonts collection.

Load information of all Fonts


Load information of single font family



The TTF font files inside dist/fonts are unmodified copies of TTF files in Google Fonts GitHub repo where you can read licensing information. Individual font families have their own license files in dist/license. Relevant license files are linked from every CSS file too to help you easily view the license information.

The CSS and JSON files in this repository are dynamicaly generated from font files only and are covered under MIT license. If you are aware of a license issue with any font family listed in this repo, please open an issue so that we can resolve the discrepancy.