
Tech Stack

  • buildSrc
  • Dagger 2
  • Retrofit
  • RxJava
  • Mockk
  • Chucker


How much time was invested

  • Around 8 hours

How was the time distributed

  • Concept: 1 hour
  • Domain layer / Use Cases: 5 hours
  • UI: 2 hours
  • Tests: 1 hour

Decisions made to to solve certain aspects of the game

  • Architecture: Clean architecture inspired from android10
  • Game logic
  • DI: it's small app recommended to use Koin but I used Dagger 2 to have the benefit of gaining time using the annotation processor

Decisions made because if restricted time

  • Dropped the idea to have a good looking design
  • Did not persist fetching words to database
  • Lack of tests, did only ViewModel unit test
  • Did not use multi module project solution
  • No Dagger SubComponent :( and No scooping
  • No UI testing

What would be the first thing to improve or add if there had been more time

  • Change the challenge code document to improve time and to let developers to go nuts with the challenge
  • Cover unit tests of use case, Mappers...
  • Persistent fetched words to a DB
  • Add Canary leaks to detect possible memory leaks
  • Take in count possibility or words overlapping example German words
  • Add user profile with a dashboard for high score
  • Work with PM/UX to improve the UI/UX