
A node.js-powered bot to execute sed commands in IRC. Experimental: run at your own risk.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Important Warning

There's a chance that you will get hacked if you run this this bot.

The bot does a pretty good job escaping of single quotes, but I am not sure that it's impossible to break out of the sed argument and run arbitrary commands at the moment.


I had a habit of correcting the things I said in IRC like so:

smerrill: That was realy quite a good demo.
smerrill: s/l/&l/g

This bot will let you do just that. The above conversation would look like this with sedbot around:

smerrill: That was realy quite a good demo.
smerrill: s/l/&l/g
sedbot: What smerrill meant to say was:
sedbot: That was really quite a good demo.
smerrill: s/demo/&n/;s/\./!/
sedbot: What smerrill meant to say was:
sedbot: That was really quite a good demon!


You will need the following three npm modules installed to run sedbot:

  • jerk
  • coloured
  • log

Running sedbot

##Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used, and have the below fallbacks if not specified:

export SEDBOT_SERVER='chat.freenode.net'
export SEDBOT_PORT=6667
export SEDBOT_CHANNEL='#yourchannel'
export SEDBOT_NICK='sedbot'
export SEDBOT_SEDBIN='sed'

To run sedbot, optionally export the above env. variables (or just edit sedbot.js default options). Then, invoke it as any other node program:

node sedbot.js