Jsr223 Addon

This docker image allows one to directly use jython in openhab 2.


Installation steps

  • git clone git@github.com:smerschjohann/docker-oh2-jsr223.git
  • docker-compose build
  • start with docker-compose up -d
  • look at it with docker-compose logs -f and tail -f run/userdata/logs/openhab.log. It should load up the oh1compat.py after around 20 seconds.
  • On first startup of Openhab 2, install the experimental rule engine.

Oh1 Compatibility layer

The file 0oh1compat.py can be used to migrate the jsr223 scripts from OH1 to OH2. The rules can look like this:


class AlexaAudio(Rule):
    def __init__(self):
        self.triggers = [CommandEventTrigger("SimonPC"), CommandEventTrigger("SimonTV"), CommandEventTrigger("SimonAlexa")]
        self.mapping = { "SimonPC": "PC", "SimonTV": "TV", "SimonAlexa": "ALEXA" }

    def execute(self, event):
        if event.itemCommand == OnOffType.OFF:
            oh.sendCommand("ReceiverSimonPower", "OFF")
            oh.sendCommand("SimonTVCmd", "PowerOff")
            it = self.mapping[event.itemName]
            oh.sendCommand("ReceiverSimonChannel", it)
            if event.itemName == "SimonTV":
                oh.sendCommand("SimonTVCmd", "WakeUp")

class IrTransmitter(ExecRule):
    def __init__(self, device, irmap):
        ExecRule.__init__(self, irmap)
        self.device = device

    def commandTriggered(self, command):
        self.log.info("commandTriggered: {}", command)
        callList = ["ssh", "-i", "/openhab/conf/automation/custom/openhab_pi", "openhab@", "irsend", "SEND_ONCE", self.device, command]

ohInit(automationManager, [
  IrTransmitter("DENON", {
      "ReceiverSimonPowerCmd": { "ON": "ON", "OFF": "OFF" },
      "ReceiverSimonVolumeCmd": { "ON": "VOL+", "OFF": "VOL-" },
      "ReceiverSimonChannel": { "PC": "4", "TV": "5", "ALEXA": "2" }

Happy coding!