Project Test

What is this repository for?

  • A twitter clone

How do I get set up?

  • Clone this repo
  • Run npm i and composer install
  • Copy .env-example to .env for environment configuration
  • Change config/database.php file - default - DB_CONNECTION to mysql or any database you are using (I used pgsql just for heroku)
  • Create database (name: twitter_clone) or update DB_DATABASE in .env for your own database name
  • Create and Migrate database php artisan migrate
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • Run php artisan storage:link
  • Build project npm run dev
  • Run php server php artisan serve
  • To build for production, just run npm run prod


Here is a demo version:

Note: Storage files will not work on heroku so user avatars will not be displayed. Register now.


  • Register user with name, email, password and avatar.
  • Login and Logout.
  • Create, update, and delete own tweets.
  • Create, update, and delete own comments in a tweet.
  • Follow and unfollow users.
  • Search tweets and users by text.
  • View list of followers, following, and own tweets.
  • Send and view messages from/to users.

Who do I talk to?

  • Mervin Villaceran