
Measure progress of your Spacemesh smesher

Primary LanguagePython


Also known as Zanoryt's Enhanced SpaceMesh PoST Plot Speed.

smesher-plot-speed screenshot

Measure progress of your SpaceMesh smesher.

This was taken from the original plot_speed.py and was augmented to add:

  • cross-platform detection of CPU, GPU, etc
  • additional statistics output
  • realtime and average rates
  • support of multiple plot segment files created by multi-GPU generation by multiple instances of postcli
  • optionally send anonymized reports to reports.smesh.cloud (disabled by default)

Reports are collected at https://reports.smesh.cloud to show others what to expect from their hardware. You are encouraged to contribute by specifying the optional --report flag. Your Node ID is anonymized for privacy.

Contribute SMH to sm1qqqqqqxre24mtprsmuht8gfhu28z95hm22zvrdq34rmr8, much appreciated!


  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone https://github.com/CryptoZanoryt/spacemesh

  2. Change to the new clone path.

    cd spacemesh/plot-speed

  3. Run!

    On Linux/MacOS:

    python smesher-plot-speed.py <path-to-your-post-files>

    Example: python smesher-plot-speed.py ~/plot --report

    On Windows:

    python smesher-plot-speed.py <path-to-your-post-files>

    Example: python smesher-plot-speed.py C:\SMESH\plot --report

    There is an optional .BAT file you can customize to make executing this easier.


python3 smesher-plot-speed.py --help
Syntax: python smesher-plot-speed.py [options] <directory>

  --json         Output JSON
  --no-header    Do not print header
  --report       Send report to reports.smesh.cloud
  --version      Print version
  --help         Print help

  directory      The directory containing postdata_metadata.json, smeshing_metadata.json, and postdata_*.bin files