A simple implementation of a Convolutional Neural Network which is based on (and extends) the LeNet5 implementation in Theano's tutorial. Though most of the code runs on the GPU (thanks Theano & PyCUDA), it's still not nearly as fast as you could make it with hand-rolled kernels. Also, the provided training algorithm is just mini-batch stochastic gradient descent. I'm using this library as a testbed for experimenting with other learning algorithms: the code is a sloppy prototype cobbled together from other examples and the features are the minimum I need for my own needs. You've been warned!
If you want top-notch runtime and accuracy, go talk to Alex K.
If you want to know about convolutional neural networks, go talk to Yann LeCun.
from striate import ConvNet
net = ConvNet(input_size = [32, 32],
n_colors = 3,
n_filters = [64, 128],
n_hidden = [300, 200, 150],
n_out = 100,
learning_rate = 0.1,
momentum = 0.05,
conv_activation = 'relu')
net.fit(Xtrain, Ytrain)
print "Accuracy:", net.score(Xtest, Ytest)