EMG Simulator for intramuscular multichannel shifting electrodes


No specific prerequisites needed, except for working MEX compilation for C/C++ code. See details in the "Intalling" section below. Code tested on Matlab 2018a. Important parts of code should work in other versions. Otherwise, please, raise an issue here.


MEX should be set up on system. To test it, run 'mex -setup' in Matlab prompt. If no C compiler was recognized, please follow the Mathorks' official instructions on setting up MEX.

MEX is needed to compile A. Peyre's "Geodesic farthest sampling" library (see 'Authors' section below). To compile it, in Matlab, go to folder './dependancies/geodesic_farthest_point/toolbox_graph', and run 'compile_mex.m'. In case of troubles with compiling it, please first refer to this guide: https://fr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/6110-toolbox-fast-marching.

Running the tests

The model is pre-defined with some general parameters. It is sufficient to run main.m and wait for the results (may take some time). For better understanding of the model workflow, you may run main.m in a section-by-section manner.


Simulation strategy behind this code is described in our article: K. Akhmadeev, T. Yu, E. Le Carpentier, Y. Aoustin and D. Farina, "Simulation of motor unit action potential recordings from intramuscular multichannel scanning electrodes," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8926536

Third-party tools:


Packages provided in './dependancies' have their own licences. Please, see the corresponding .txt files.